I love any excuse to get all of my favorite people together, eat good food, drink all the seasonal drinks, and have a grand ole time! If you’re anything like me, you love hosting parties and can find any little…
Household Supply List
A Household Supply List ensures that you have what you need on-hand at all times! I take my job as a homemaker for my family very seriously, and one of my favorite ways I do that is through making sure…
5 Crewnecks That Are Perfect For Fall From Painted Lavender
I am so excited to share these crewnecks that are perfect for fall! All of the crewnecks are from the shop Painted Lavender, and you can find them at paintedlavender.com or just click the pictures below and it will take…
Pumpkin Dip Recipe
This pumpkin dip is one of my favorite desserts and fall recipes- it’s SO easy to make and only requires a few ingredients, which makes it easy to keep extra around for when you need to make a quick contribution…
Don’t Throw Away Your Egg Shells!
If you would have asked me a year ago about saving egg shells, I would have thought you were absolutely insane. Fast-forward to today and here I am saving every shell of every egg we use. We are NOT crack-a-lackin……
DIY Raised Garden Beds
DIY Raised Garden Beds for less than $60? Yes, please! While on the hunt for the perfect additions to our foodscape, I couldn’t stomach paying $100+ for each bed knowing the cost of fertilizer, soil, seeds, and care on top…