My IBS is known to take me out of the game- I have missed so many things because I feel miserable. I have a slew of symptoms and there are very few things that bring me relief ðŸ˜
Almost 6 months ago, I went gluten and dairy free. It has completely changed how my body works, but I still have IBS problems…
I was on the hunt for a more natural approach to finding some relief and I have finally struck GOLD with my IBS Essential Oil Roller.
It is a combination of anti-inflammatory oils that help provide relief to stomach pain/aches, helps calm digestion, and eases nausea. For me, it helps ease early-morning nausea and keeps everything regular💩
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If you have IBS or are experiencing an upset tummy, I urge you to try this blend to see how it helps you!
Here is what you need to make the roller:
- Amber Roller Bottle (these are what I use)
- Digize Oil from Young Living or Digest Aid from Revive
- Frankincense Oil
- Peppermint Oil
- Copaiba Oil
- Fractionated Coconut Oil
Here is the IBS Essential Oil Recipe
- 8 drops of Digize
- 6 drops of Frankincense
- 6 drops of Peppermint
- 6 drops of Copaiba
- Combine drops in roller bottle
- Fill up the rest of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil
- Close bottle and shake to mix
- Roll on stomach and bottoms of feet morning and night. Shake before use.
I hope this helps ease your tummy troubles and gives you the relief you are looking for!
Want more DIY/Essential Oil recipes? Check out my recipe for Sugar Hairspray, Homemade Dry Shampoo, and Homemade Coconut Milk Shampoo (that my husband LOVES).
If you are interested in the low-tox life and want to see what you need to get started, I made you a list of everything I bought and use! Get it here.